Civil responsability in beachwear: creation and branding / A responsabilidade civil na moda praia: criação e marca


  • Patricia Ribeiro Serra Vieira Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • Anna Carolina Cazarin Queiroz Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro



With the popularization of prêt-à-porter, the fashion sector and the Law have experienced an unprecedented
level of proximity. The rise of fast fashion stores, whose outstanding features are high-scale production and
low prices, and the increasing competition in the sector have accentuated the need to protect the industrial
and intellectual property of brands and creations. In Brazil, the exuberance of its shores has resulted in the
development of beachwear, a segment that we are a worldwide reference and in which there is a landmark
court decision with regard to the applicability of copyright in fashion creations and compensation for damages
resulting from these activities. From a casuistic and doctrinal analysis, this academic article aims to contribute
to the debates on the fashion world from the point of view of civil responsibility theory, highlighting the legal
solutions applicable to the segment and the need to take into account the specific nature of this consumer



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Biografia do Autor

Patricia Ribeiro Serra Vieira, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Is an associate professor of this course, working in teaching and research, with a Doctoral Degree in Civil Law from the Universidade do
Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). She is an Appellate Judge on the Rio de Janeiro State Justice Tribunal (TJERJ), an honorary member
of the Brazilian Institute of Attorneys (IAB) and a founding member of the Brazilian Academy of Civil Law (ABDC).

Anna Carolina Cazarin Queiroz, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Holds a Law degree from the Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), is a research member of the UNIRIO
Intellectual Property Group -,in which developed the present article along with the conselour when still a learner(2017.1) – and lawyer.


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Como Citar

Serra Vieira, P. R., & Queiroz, A. C. C. (2018). Civil responsability in beachwear: creation and branding / A responsabilidade civil na moda praia: criação e marca. Revista Online De Pesquisa : Propriedade Intelectual, 1(1), 24–34.


