An Analysis of the Production of Scientific Knowledge in Research Published in the First 10 years of iSys (2008-2017)
Knowledge Production in IS, Theory, Epistemology, MethodologyAbstract
One of the challenges faced by the Information Systems Brazilian scientific community, emerged from the Computing area, has been how to deal with Information Systems (IS) research, which involves aspects beyond computational technology building. Advances in producing scientific knowledge in IS requires mastery and application of theories, paradigms and methods underexplored. We have analyzed the research published during the first 10 years on iSys journal in order to reflect on possible theoretical, epistemological and methodological approaches to IS research. The analysis was based on typologies used in the international literature, comprising four axes: i) IT artifact design, ii) research paradigm, iii) theorization, and iv) research methods. Our observations found out that the IS research community at iSys puts a strong positivist and experimental emphasis in the production of scientific knowledge. These results may encourage the IS community towards different epistemological paradigms to better understand the complexity and multiplicity of the real world; as well as the formulation of a consistent theoretical field for the research area.Downloads
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