The Law and Public Policy Review (LPPR) is a scientific Journal offered in free digital format with ISSN to be defined for academic purposes and seeks to disseminate research on the interface between Law and Public Policy, through the publication of scientific articles, works academic background resulting from initiation or resulting in monographs and CBT, as well as book reviews and case law reviews.
Editor in Chief:
Prof. Dr. Claudia Tannus Gurgel do Amaral (Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro)
Co-editor in Chief:
Prof. Dr. André Hacl Castro (Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro)
Current Issue
Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): CDPP - UNIRIO
Published: 2023-02-08
Editais do Caderno de Direito e Políticas Públicas
O Caderno de Direitos e Políticas Públicas (CDPP), periódico científico oferecido em formato digital e gratuito informa que está aberto o envio de artigos em fluxo contínuo.
La Revista Científica de Derechos y Políticas Públicas (CDPP), ofrecida en formato digital y gratuito, informa que está abierta a enviar artículos en flujo contunuo.
Se aceptan documentos que aborden las Políticas Públicas en su interfaz con el Derecho, incluso en múltiples, inter y transdisciplinariedad con Derecho Constitucional, Administrativo, Económico, Financiero, Fiscal, así como, desde cualquier otra área de conocimiento.
Para reenviar sus artículos, las partes interesadas ya registradas deben enviarlo a través del sistema a través de la dirección: Si no está registrado, primero debe hacerlo en:
Prof. Dra. Claudia Tannus Gurgel do Amaral (Editora en Jefe)
Prof. Dr. André Hacl Castro (Coeditor)
The Scientific Journal of Public Rights and Policies (CDPP), offered in digital and free format, informs that it is open the submission of articles in continuous flow..
Papers that deal with Public Policies in its interface with Law are accepted, including, in multi, inter and transdisciplinarity with Constitutional, Administrative, Economic, Financial, Tax Law, as well as, from any other area of knowledge.
In order to forward your articles, the interested parties already registered must send it through the system through the address: If you are not registered, you must first do so at:
Prof. Dr. Claudia Tannus Gurgel do Amaral (Editor-in-Chief)
Prof. Dr. André Hacl Castro (Co-Editor)