Death and derivates:

Funerary Industry in Mexico City




Funeral industry, Mexico City, Death, Market


This article speaks about death and funerary practices, not only from its cultural dimension, but from the problematization of these concepts around new dimensions of analysis: the commercial, the political and the ethical; what makes up the funeral industry. The text presented below is also the result of field work carried out in Mexico City, in two of the largest and most influential funeral homes in the city: Gayosso and J. García López. The ethnographies carried out help to explain and describe the beginnings of this industry and the consolidation of a specialized and spatialized market in Mexico City that seeks to expand to the entire Mexican territory. The funeral industry is, in addition, part of a global trend in the way of understanding and facing death in contemporary times. In this way, the text seeks to define and understand how the funeral industry works and the mechanisms it uses to consolidate itself within a local and global market.


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Author Biography

Rosa Inés Padilla Y, Universidad Iberoamericana Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador

Doctora en Antropología Social de la Universidad Iberoamericana, México. Magíster en Antropología Visual por FLACSO / Ecuador. Profesora universitaria, investigadora y museóloga. Colaboró en varias exposiciones para el Ministerio de Cultura del Ecuador. Tiene varios artículos sobre fotografía, muerte y sus espacios funerarios y rituales funerarios. En 2016 presentó una exposición sobre fotografía infantil post-mortem enMuseo del Carmen Alto de Quito.


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How to Cite

Padilla Y, R. I. (2021). Death and derivates:: Funerary Industry in Mexico City. Revista M. Estudos Sobre a Morte, Os Mortos E O Morrer, 6(11), 214–234.