Construindo significados no luto a partir dos filmes infantis Irmão Urso e Rei Leão
Death, Bereavement, Attitude to death, Audiovisual aids, Motion picturesAbstract
This research aimed to understand the meanings of the processes of loss and mourning through films (Lion King and Brother Bear) themed on this theme. This is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Data were collected from a form prepared by the researchers based on the theoretical framework of the construction of meanings of mourning, and submitted to categorical thematic content analysis. In the film “Brother Bear” three identifications were found in accordance with the theoretical framework of the construction of meanings attributed to the loss (personal growth; changes in family ties and valuing relationships). In the movie “Lion King” two identifications were found (personal growth and negative affect). It was found that the use of children's movies can be a facilitating strategy for the experience and elaboration of grief, as well as for the construction of meanings and meanings through a loss that is significant in the life of the bereaved person.
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