Some preliminary finds from the Tholos tomb and ossuary at Borzi Hill, Tzannata, Kefalonia: An example of a multidisciplinary approach to understanding of the Lives and Deaths of Mycenaeans




Late Bronze Age, Kefalonia, tholos tomb, osteology, ossuary


Preliminary results are presented from the analysis of human and faunal remains from the unique tholos-ossuary combination at Borzi Hill, Tzannata, Kefalonia, excavated from 1992 to 1994. The analysis began in 2015 and is on-going. The paper illustrates how the systematic analysis of well-provenienced remains can be an important source of data to complement traditional archaeological methods for investigating mortuary, political and economic practices of the Late Bronze Age. Preliminary finds include: the tombs contained 100-150 people ranging in age from neonate to over 60 years, with about equal numbers by sex; the tholos tomb was used continuously until the Proto-Geometric Period by one biological lineage; the ossuary was a purpose-built structure for reburial indicating a previously unrecognized pattern of mortuary practices; faunal offerings found only in the tholos tomb include sheep, goats, dogs, cows, a very rare horse, and the earliest cat ever found in Greece.


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Author Biography

John Albanese, University of Windsor - Windsor, Canada

Doutor em Antropologia pela McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario e Postdoctoral Fellow, Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, no Canadá. Professor de Antropologia Biológica e Antropologia Forense incluindo cursos práticos de laboratório em osteologia humana no Department of Integrative Biology, University of Windsor, Canada. CV:


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How to Cite

Albanese, J. (2022). Some preliminary finds from the Tholos tomb and ossuary at Borzi Hill, Tzannata, Kefalonia: An example of a multidisciplinary approach to understanding of the Lives and Deaths of Mycenaeans. Revista M. Estudos Sobre a Morte, Os Mortos E O Morrer, 7(14), 314–341.