An attitude towards death in times of pandemic by Covid-19 Cartas a distancia (Juan Carlos Rulfo, 2021)
Mexican documentary, Pandemic by Covid-19, Audiovisual speech, Attitude, DeathAbstract
This article analyzes the Mexican documentary, Cartas a distancia (Juan Carlos Rulfo, 2021) what is it about for the meaning that audiovisual discourse attributes to death, as a social and cultural phenomenon in times of the Covid-19 pandemic, in Mexico City. The film tells of the epistolary relationship that arises between hospitalized patients and their families when the letters travel through the nurses. The documentary is analyzed from Plantinga (2014), which points out that non-fiction always serves different social purposes. The author proposes four parameters through his world-model to understand the discourse in the cinema: selection, ordering, emphasis and adaptation. Cartas a distancia suggests as a premise the phrase "without fear of death" as a courageous attitude towards the disease and, on the other hand, exposes the vulnerability of the health procedures used to cure Covid-19.
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