Reading Heidegger’s “Identity and Difference” through the paths of music


  • Rubia Mara de Almeida Siqueira UFRJ


music, philosophy, identity


This paper goes from the Heidegger’s sense of identity and difference at the middle part of his conference in the year 1957 to understand how the dynamic of music happens regardless its conceptualization or valuation. Still in this frame, it articulates the unity of being and thinking to aim some ways of music presents itself and how it is also co-belonging together with a poetic act - poiesis.

Keywords: Identity. Difference. Music. Philosophy.


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How to Cite

de Almeida Siqueira, R. M. (2024). Reading Heidegger’s “Identity and Difference” through the paths of music. DEBATES - Cadernos Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Música, 28, e282407. Retrieved from