Memory of the future


  • Jô Gondar UNIRIO


memória, sonoridade, ritmo, criação


The paper develops the relationship between memory, creation, and sonority from a psychoanalytic and philosophical perspective, pointing out the relevance of sounds and rhythm in the constitution of memory, subjectivity and creation.  In psychoanalysis, research on autism and on the relationship between babies and their mothers shows the importance of sounds and rhythms in the subjective constitution. In philosophy, Henri Bergson makes memory and its rhythmic contractions the conditions for freedom and creation. The idea that runs through the whole paper is that memory has a paradoxical function: while preserving the past, it enables the invention of the future. 


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Author Biography

Jô Gondar, UNIRIO

Jô Gondar é psicanalista, membro efetivo do Círculo Psicanalítico do Rio de Janeiro. Doutora e pós-doutora em psicologia. Professora titular da UNIRIO atuando no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Memória Social. Membro do board da Internacional Federation of Psychoanalytic Societies e da International Sándor Ferenczi Network. Autora de Com Ferenczi: clínica, subjetivação, cultura (Ed. 7 Letras) e Com Ferenczi: o coletivo na clínica - racismo, fragmentação, transições (ambos com Eliana Schueler Reis).


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How to Cite

Gondar, J. (2024). Memory of the future. DEBATES - Cadernos Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Música, 27(2), 12–23. Retrieved from



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