Temporality as a multisensory interface: a bibliographic review on the relationship between music, visual arts and time
Multisensoriality, Music and visual arts, temporality, philosophy and art.Abstract
This work is a bibliographic review about the influence of time on the synesthetic perception between music and visual arts. The objective is to provide theoretical subsidies for a reasoned thought on the subject. Therefore, the main points of the theme were identified and a counterpoint was elaborated with authors from related areas, such as philosophers, plastic artists, musicians and teachers. In this way, the theme is gradually conducted, from the creative impetus to the multisensory relations between the arts, through their temporality. This work is important because the object of research runs through the field of perception, requiring secure sources of information to escape excessive subjectivism. It is concluded that, despite still having much to research on the subject, this initial literature already outlines the problem and the object of study around the temporality of a work of art, with time being the key element of multisensory perception and the forces expressions that go beyond the physical dimensions of music and painting.
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