Musical genres and expectation

An experiment with reception tests and the song Neguinho, recorded by Gal Costa


  • Cláudia Azevedo PPGM Unirio


musical genres, musical reception tests, meaning formation


In December 2011, Gal Costa released the studio album, Recanto (Universal Music) in which all the songs were composed by Caetano Veloso, almost all especially for her. The work, mostly electronic, represented an aesthetic surprise in the midst of the singer's repertoire. Among the tracks on Recanto, “Neguinho” was the object of an analytical experience about the formation of meaning in music. Musical reception tests, in addition to post-listening semi-structured interviews, were used to assess associations, whether musical or not, made by thirteen non-musician adult listeners with similar level of education (university), over 40 years old. The listening to the material, tests and interviews were carried out separately and individually. Participants declared that they did not know the song. As expected, most associations referred to electronic music and urban settings. However, 69% of the test participants did not recognize the singer's voice – she, who is considered one of the most important and well-known interpreters in the history of Brazilian popular music – due to the expectations about the musical genre associated with her.


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Author Biography

Cláudia Azevedo, PPGM Unirio

Cláudia Azevedo é Doutora e Mestre em Música pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Música da Unirio e graduada em Comunicação Social, com habilitação em Jornalismo, pela Escola de Comunicação da UFRJ. Desde seu doutorado, continuando no pós-doutorado, com apoio da FAPERJ, dedica-se à formação de sentido em música, tanto pela abordagem cognitiva, quanto pela intertextualidade.


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Referências videográficas

Gal Costa e Caetano Veloso sobre as músicas do CD "Recanto". Canal: Melhor Música. Disponível em < > Acesso em 29 jul. 2023.

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Referências fonográficas

Gal Costa. Recanto. Universal Music, 2011.

Marina Lima. Próxima Parada, Philips,1989.

Rita Lee. Aqui, Ali, em Qualquer Lugar, Abril Music, 2001.



How to Cite

Azevedo, C. (2024). Musical genres and expectation: An experiment with reception tests and the song Neguinho, recorded by Gal Costa. DEBATES - Cadernos Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Música, 27(2), 149–172. Retrieved from



Thematic dossier