“Every Something is an Echo of Nothing”: Notes on The John Cage Project in Halberstadt


  • Vera Terra Faculdade de Dança Angel Viana (Rio de Janeiro)


John Cage, site specific, ORGAN2/ASLSP


The text “Every Something is an Echo of Nothing”: Notes on The John Cage Project in Halberstadtaddresses TheJohn Cage Organ Project, the first trans-epochal work of art in music history. It is inspired by the American avant-garde composer and artist’s ORGAN2/ASLSP, which has been played at Saint Burchardi Church in Halberstadt, Germany, since 2001, and is expected to last until 2640. Different aspects involved in the Project are analyzed, such as its history, aesthetics, philosophy, and its utopian vision, as well as John Cage’s conception of time, which provides basis for the project.


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Author Biography

Vera Terra, Faculdade de Dança Angel Viana (Rio de Janeiro)

Pianist, composer, and essay writer, took part as a pianist in the John Cage Concert, at Sala Cecília Meireles, in Rio de Janeiro, during the composer’s second coming to Brazil, in 1985; Cocurator of the exhibition Begin anywhere: a John Cage Century, at MAM (Museum of Modern Art), Rio de Janeiro, in 2012, as part of the worldwide celebration of the composer’s centennial; Author of the book Acaso e aleatório na música, published by EDUC/FAPESP in 2000. Premiered, in July, 2017, on radio Documenta 14, a radioplay composed under the inspiration of John Cage’s Suite for Toy Piano; Coordinates the Performance and Multimedia Laboratory of Angel Vianna Dance College, where she teaches.



BOSSEUR, Dominique. “L’expérience du temps chez Cage”. In: Musique em Jeu no1. Paris: Seuil, 1970, p.16-22.

BOSSEUR, Jean-Yves. John Cage. Paris: Minerve, 1993.

CAGE, John. Silence. Middletown, Connecticut: Wesleyan University Press.1974, 2nd ed.

CAGE, John. A year from Monday. Middletown, Connecticut: Wesleyan University Press.1975, 3rd ed. CAGE, John & SCHÖNING, KLAUS. Laughtears _ Conversation on Roaratorio. Paris: 13/15 August,

JOHN-CAGE-ORGEL-KUNST-PROJECT Booklet. Halberstadt: John-Cage-Orgel-Stiftung, 2017. NIETZSCHE, Frederico. A origem da tragédia. Lisboa: Guimarães & C.a, 3rd ed., 1982.

TERRA, Vera. Acaso e aleatório na música: um estudo da indeterminação nas poéticas de Cage e

Boulez. São Paulo: Educ/Fapesp, 2000.

VIOLA, Bill. “O som de um raio de transmissão”. In: Zaremba, Lilian; BENTES, Ivana (org). Radio Nova,

constelações da radiofonia contemporânea. Rio de Janeiro: UFRJ, ECO, Publique.1996, p.43-60.


CAGE, John. “Works”. https://johncage.org/pp/John-Cage-Work-Detail.cfm?work_ID=30. Acesso em 8 de novembro de 2019.

CAGE, John. “Works”. https://johncage.org/pp/John-Cage-Work-Detail.cfm?work_ID=31. Acesso em 20 de novembro de 2019.

HALBERSTADT Organ. https://www.domorgel-hbs.de/de/die-orgel/orgelchronik.html

MEYER, Jürgen. “Acoustics of gothic churches”.

http://www.conforg.fr/acoustics2008/cdrom/data/fa2002-sevilla/forumacusticum/archivos/rba05002.pdf Acesso em 10 de outubro de 2019.

NICHOLAS, Vanessa. “Sound by artists”. http://www.magentafoundation.org/magazine/sound-by-artists/ Magenta Magazine, ©2019. Acesso em 9 de setembro de 2019.

ORGANUM GRUNIGENSE REDIVIVUM. https://www.praetorius-beckorgel.de/en/kirche.php, 2011. Acesso em 18 de outubro de 2019.

PETERS, Edition. “ORGAN2/ASLSP”. https://issuu.com/editionpeters/docs/www.editionpeters.com August 8, 2011. Acesso em 3 de novembro de 2019.

PETERS, Edition. “ASLSP”. https://johncage.org/pp/John-Cage-Work-Detail.cfm?work_ID=30 Acesso em 3 de novembro de 2019.

SHLOMOWITZ, Matthew. Cage’s place in the reception of Satie. https://www.shlom.com/?p=cagesatie. San Diego, 1999. Acesso em 9 de setembro de 2019

Zea E-Books. Book 24. Praetorius, Michael and Faulkner, Quentin trans. & ed., "Syntagma Musicum II: De Organographia, Parts III – V with Index" (2014), p. 98. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/zeabook/24/ August 25, 2014. Acesso em 26 de setembro de 2019.


The text was originally written in English, reviewed by Mr. Wellington da Silva Amorim Jr., and then translated to Portuguese.

The photos were taken with camera phone, during a visit to Halberstadt in August, 2019.

A special thanks to Prof. Dr. Rainer O. Neugebauer, social scientist, chairman of the John Cage Organ Project in Halberstadt, for graciously giving me an interview about the project, which provided an important source for writing the text.




How to Cite

Terra, V. (2020). “Every Something is an Echo of Nothing”: Notes on The John Cage Project in Halberstadt. DEBATES - Cadernos Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Música, (23). Retrieved from https://seer.unirio.br/revistadebates/article/view/9722