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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Ao submeter um trabalho para a revista é obrigatório anexar o formulário de metadados disponível no link:
  • Ao submeter um trabalho para a revista é obrigatório cadastro e validação do ORCID de cada autor.

Author Guidelines

Submission Conditions

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check the submission for compliance with all items listed below. Submissions that do not comply with the standards will be returned to the authors.

  • When submitting a work to the journal, it is essential that you read, accept, and mark as fulfilled, each condition for submission, listed below before sending your manuscript. If you find that a certain condition was not followed, make the necessary changes, and resume the process of submitting your text later. The Submission Conditions that appear in the Revista M. system are:
  • This contribution is original, unpublished and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in “Comments to the editor”.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx).
  • In case of ARTICLE submission, with peer review, the instructions available in Ensuring blind peer review were followed.
  • The text is spaced between 1.5 lines; uses Times New Roman 12 font; normal; with justified alignment; 1.5 cm tabs at the beginning of paragraphs; and follows the minimum and maximum number of pages established for each section, as guided by the Formatting Standards.
  • Images (maps, photographs, and illustrations) that may be used will be sent separately, in individual files, in JPG format, with a resolution of 300 dpi.
  • The text follows the citation and bibliographic reference standards described in Publication Standards and the URLs of online references have been provided when possible.
  • When submitting a work to the journal, it is mandatory to attach the metadata form available at the following link:
  • When submitting a work to the journal, it is mandatory to register and validate the ORCID of each author.


Author’s Guideline

Revista M. is divided into three sections: ARTICLES, IN THE FIELD and BOOK REVIEWS. When creating your text for each of them, please check the guidelines below that we have created to help you make your submission more valuable and to prevent your file from being returned for adjustments, even before being forwarded to reviewers. The contribution must be original and unpublished, in accordance with the criteria presented in the EDITORIAL POLICY in the ABOUT THE JOURNAL menu. The Editorial Board reserves the right to investigate the occurrence of cases of plagiarism, self-plagiarism or double submission for articles received by Revista M.

a) ARTICLES: Intended for unpublished and original analytical texts that result from investigations and studies relating to different ways of approaching the topic. For this section, articles submitted by doctors or in co-authorship with them are prioritized, in two forms: those intended for thematic dossiers proposed and organized by specialists, with an open call on the journal’s website; and free articles, which can be submitted in a continuous flow.

b) IN THE FIELD: Focused on reports of fieldwork and/or methodological experiences in handling the topic, involving interviews, transcriptions of commented sources or description of psychotherapeutic or medical treatments. The submission of texts that involve human beings, directly or indirectly, must be accompanied by the authorization of the “Oral Testimony Release Agreement” or, if applicable, the “Image Release Agreement” to Revista M.

For this section, it is essential that the text be structured as a report of fieldwork experience, aiming to share with the reader the methodological aspects of the activity carried out. To this end, we suggest that the text be prepared as a type of ethnography of the research carried out, demonstrated to the reader in a didactic way, paying attention to: Present the reader with the objective of the report; present the reader with the initial preparation for the reported experience; indicate where the research or experience was carried out (if it is a region, indicate its location and characteristics of the place/environment. Maps and images can be inserted; if it is an institution, identify it, etc.); identify the objectives of the activity carried out; report how was the initial contact with the experience and resources sought “on site” to carry out the work; show the development of the work and, if applicable, insert audio and/or video files that must be explained and commented on; explain the methodology used and the resources used to do so; present the difficulties and surprises experienced during work; demonstrate how the activity ended and identify the conclusions of the fieldwork. Throughout the report, it is highly recommended that the type of practice reported be explained conceptually and, eventually, theoretically, using significant bibliographic references for the development of the analysis developed, so that the report is not merely descriptive, but also – and mainly – analytical.

c) BOOK REVIEWS: Critical analysis of works that have been published, at most, three years ago in Brazil (or four years ago, for international publications), or of out-of-print titles that have recently been republished. Respecting the approach to Death, the Dead and Dying, reviews can also be submitted about other expressions of culture, such as films, documentaries, exhibitions, plays, etc. It is expected that the text will not be merely descriptive or restricted to summarizing the book's chapters; but also contains a critical analysis that points out the most significant aspects of the work for the field of study of the theme, presenting the gaps that the work fills, as well as the theoretical, conceptual and methodological contributions. It should also point out possible limits of the analysis, identifying proposals that have not been implemented, as well as the gaps left. Finally, the author of the review is expected to present aspects of the work that can be developed in future studies and the legacy that the work leaves for the development of the theme in question.

We ask you to carefully observe the guidelines below when preparing your text:

a) Abstract: It is recommended that you express in the following order the main objective of the text, the synthesis of the central arguments, the way in which the theme is approached and, finally, the results, the main conclusion and/or central hypothesis that the article seeks to present.

b) Keywords: They must reflect central concepts or categories of analysis of the text presented and not secondary terms that, in themselves, do not directly refer to the fundamental arguments of the analysis. As far as possible, they must be linked to concepts, terms or expressions linked to the journal's theme, for this facilitates the retrieval of research, as well as the process of indexing and searching for studies in Scientific Article Databases. These aspects enable greater dissemination and reader access to your text.

c) Bibliographic References: We ask for special attention to the standardization of the way of making the Bibliographic References that we indicate in the Publication Standards, as this will greatly speed up the process of editing the material to be edited. Without neglecting the other aspects, pay special attention to the following aspects, which concentrate the biggest errors in the texts we receive: For the font formatting style in each part of the title; for the order and type of punctuation in each part of the Reference; for the place where the pagination is indicated (whether in the case of a page range in an article or book chapter, or in the case of indicating the total pagination of a book or a thesis, for example); for how to cite references in the body of the text and in footnotes.

d) Article evaluation criteria: When examining the text, the reviewer is instructed by the Editorial Board to check various aspects of the material received for evaluation. Some of them are contained in the guidelines given above and others are listed below, to guide you in the process of preparing your work and to enriching your analysis:

  • The title must clearly present the content of the article.
  • Theoretical and conceptual articulations must be presented in a clear and coherent way.
  • The arguments presented throughout the text must be consistent in relation to the conclusions presented.
  • The research article must be supported with satisfactory use of primary sources, case studies, fieldwork, interview forms/reports or other essential resources that provide support for your investigation, considering and complying with the specificities of the area of knowledge to which the article refers, not limited to using only bibliographical references.
  • The review or theoretical-conceptual analysis article must contain a dense and representative bibliography relating to the topic, which is satisfactorily presented and critically analyzed, to contrast the different authors, methods, concepts and theoretical perspectives relevant to the proposed topic.
  • There must be mention and satisfactory dialogue with the bibliography relevant to the subject covered, both classic studies and the most up-to-date references, in the form of books and articles in periodicals.
  • The approach to innovative themes that are relevant to the field of studies is valued.
  • The methodology, organization, and articulation of ideas in the text must be appropriate to the scope of Revista M., considering the specificities of the area of knowledge to which the text relates.
  • In the case of themes already covered, the article must contribute with an innovative approach, method, or techniques in its approach or, even, with the proposal of a conceptual or theoretical review, which bring new perspectives of analysis to the field of studies.
  • Graphs, tables, figures, and images must have appropriate captions and quality for publication and must not be merely illustrative, being satisfactorily referenced and analyzed in the body of the text.
  • The article needs to present conclusions, which must be linked to the proposed objectives and answer the questions asked.



Text: Must be sent in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx). The font used must be Times New Roman, normal style, size 12. Paragraphs must be justified, with a 1.5 cm indent on the first line. A4 size sheet, with all margins of 2.5 cm. The number of pages is specific to each section.

To ensure that peer review is done blindly, the authorship must be removed from the file. To do this, follow the following steps: “File” – “Information” – “Check for problems” – “Inspect document” and, finally, “Remove document properties and personal information”.

The text in Portuguese must be sent after careful grammatical, spelling and style review by the author, considering the current standards of the Novo Acordo Ortográfico da Língua Portuguesa. Texts written in other languages must also consider the respective spelling and grammatical standards.

Images: If the article contains images (photographs, maps, illustrations), they must be sent in original format (.jpeg) and in separate files (not inserted within the text itself), with a resolution of 300 dpi. The text must indicate, through the insertion of captions (in the language of the article), the place where the figures must be inserted (“Insertion of figure 1”, for example). Tables and graphs must be inserted directly into the body of the text, in the sent file. If it is an image of his own, the author must send a declaration of assignment of rights to disseminate it to Revista M.

Citations: Citations within the text must comply with the following rules:

  • One author: (Leipnitz, 1987) or Leipnitz (1987).
  • Two authors: (Turner & Verhoogen, 1960) or Turner and Verhoogen (1960).
  • Three or more authors: (Amaral et al., 1966) or Amaral et al. (1966). In cases of ambiguity, additional surnames must be included.
  • Works of the same author and date must be distinguished by lowercase letters immediately after the date: (Amaral, 2008a, 2008b). Works by the same author and different dates must be cited in chronological order.
  • Entities as authorship, with or without abbreviation: Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics [IBGE] (2010) or (IBGE, 2010); University of São Paulo (2005) or (University of São Paulo, 2005).
  • Works by several authors mentioned in the same paragraph must be separated by a semicolon (;).
  • Works without authorship must not use the expression “Anonymous”. Use the first words of the title instead, in quotation marks, followed by the year and pagination.
  • If you are going to insert the original publication date of a text, it must be inserted before the date of the edition used: Ex: Freud (1917/1974).

Presentation of direct quotes:

  • Quotes with less than three lines (or less than 40 words) must be incorporated into the text in quotation marks, in a normal font of the same size as the text.
  • Quotes with more than three lines must be presented in an isolated paragraph, without quotation marks, in italics, with the font the same size as the text, single spacing between lines, and 2 cm indentation from the left and right margins. In both cases, at the end of the citation the reference must follow the pattern (Author, year, page): (Rodrigues, 1997, p. 3) or (Furtado, 2011, p. 24-27).
  • Quotations in a foreign language must appear translated into the language of the article when in the body of the text or in an isolated paragraph, with the original excerpt presented in a footnote followed by the identification of who made the translation.
  • In case of omission of sections, indicate the absence with the sign [...]. The same procedure must be used for the use of the Latin expression sic erat scriptum: [sic], to indicate that the errors or written errors appear in the original.


Footnotes and Sources

They must be used exclusively for explanatory purposes, and for complete references to documentation or primary sources deposited in archives, interviews, ethnographic reports, etc., footnotes must be used (Example: Archive of the Metropolitan Curia of Rio de Janeiro (Example: Archive of the Metropolitan Curia of Rio de Janeiro ( hereinafter ACMRJ), “Parish Settlements”, Book of Deaths of the parish of Sé, 1745, Testament of João da Silva Guedes, page 145.).

  • Do not use expressions like cit; ibid; ibidem; id; idem.
  • Do not use the expression apud, replace it with as cited in, using the same way.

The original material must contain, in the following order:

  • Text title: The title must be written in the language of the article (Portuguese or Spanish) and in English, centered and in bold. The title must contain a maximum of 240 characters with spaces. In reviews, the complete reference of the work analyzed must be included below, written in accordance with the guidelines at the end of this section. Subtitles must appear in bold, with capital letters only at the beginning and aligned to the left. They must not be numbered. A line of space must be inserted between the previous paragraph and the subtitle, and between it and the beginning of the following paragraph. If subtitles have new divisions, they must appear in bold and italics, aligned to the left.
  • Abstract and keywords: The abstract must be written in a single paragraph, with 9 to 12 lines (or between 800 and 1000 characters, with space), and be written clearly, expressing, in the following order, the main objective of the text, the synthesis of the central arguments, the way in which the topic is approached and, finally, the results, the main conclusion and/or central hypothesis that the article seeks to present. It must be accompanied by five (5) keywords, separated by semicolons. These items must be included in the language of the article (Portuguese or Spanish) and in English. In cases where the text is written in English, the translation of the abstract and keywords must be into Portuguese.
  • Full text of the article: Formatted in Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 spacing at the beginning of the paragraph, without spacing between paragraphs. A line of space must be inserted between titles and subtitles and the text, and between long quotations and other paragraphs.
  • Footnotes: Footnotes must be inserted at the end of each page, in normal Times New Roman font, size 10, with justified alignment, single line spacing, without special indentation. In the body of the text, the footnote reference number must be inserted after the punctuation mark.
  • References: The model (Author, year, page) or Author (year, page) must be used in the body of the text. Bibliographic and other references must be listed at the end of the text, in alphabetical order, in 12 pt, single spaced, as in the models below. In Book Reviews, the reference to the pages of the book reviewed and to which you wish to make explicit mention must appear in parentheses, followed by the term “p.” Example: (p. 123).


Bibliographic references

Revista M. follows the guidelines of the seventh update of the American Psychology Association (APA) standards for references in scientific articles. Below are examples of the application of these standards in the most common situations.



Ramos, G. (2010). Muerte y conversión en los Andes. Lima y Cuzco, 1532-1670. Instituto de Estudios Peruanos.

Book with a preface by another author:

Klüber-Ross, E. (com Byock, I.). (2014). On death & dying: What the dying have to teach doctors, nurses, clergy & their own families (50th aniversary ed.). Scribner. (Trabalho original publicado em 1969).


Doughty, C. (2019). Will my cat eat my eyeballs? Big questions from tiny mortals about death. W. W. Norton & Company.

Book chapters:

Rodrigues, C. (2014). A secularização da morte no Rio de Janeiro oitocentista. In C. Rodrigues & F. H. Lopes (Org.). Sentidos da morte e do morrer na Ibero-América (1º ed., pp-267-308). EdUERJ.

Final works, dissertations and theses:

RODRIGUES, R. F. (2011). Imagens de morte como manifestação do erótico [Dissertação de Mestrado, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais].

Meirelles, P. v. M. (2010). Geografia Social da Morte: uma análise espacial do cemitério da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre (1850) [Trabalho de conclusão de curso, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul]. Repositório Digital da UFRGS.

Journal articles:

Taboada, P. (2000, junho). El derecho a morir con dignidad. Acta bioethica, 6(1), 89-101.

Motta, A. (2010, janeiro a julho). Estilos mortuários e modos de sociabilidade em cemitérios brasileiros oitocentistas. Horizontes Antropológicos: Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social da UFRGS, 16(33), 55-80.

Necrologia do Marechal de Campo Raymundo José da Cunha Mattos. (1908). Revista do Instituto Historico e Geographico do Brazil (3º ed., tomo 1, p. 56-59).


Shimko, S. & Dubarbier, V. (2006) Aporte metodológico para el análisis de la arquitectura funeraria. Anais del Segundo Congreso Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.


Duarte, L. P. (Org.). (2006). As máscaras de Perséfone: figurações da morte nas literaturas portuguesa e brasileira contemporâneas. PUC Minas.

Articles in collection:

Consorte, J. (1983). A morte na prática médica. In Martins, J. de S. (Org.). A morte e os mortos na sociedade brasileira (pp. 201-210). HUCITEC.


A morte nas redes sociais. (2016, 29 de março). O Fluminense, p. 8.

Entries in dictionaries and encyclopedias:

Jupp, P. (2005). Cremation Society of Great Britain. In D. J. Davies & L. H. Mates (Eds.). Encyclopedia of cremation (pp. 135-143). Ashgate.

Cadáver. (2010, 15 de janeiro). In Dicionário Priberam da língua portuguesa.

Death. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Recuperado em 15 de janeiro de 2021, de

Government author:

Instituto Nacional do Câncer. (2010). Tipos de câncer. Ministério da Saúde.


Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988 (2002). Roma Victor.

Decreto nº 58.965, de 25 de setembro de 2019. (2015, 25 de setembro). Regulamenta os serviços funerários, cemiteriais e de cremação no Município de São Paulo. Casa Civil.

Video or movie:

Unkrich, L. E. (Diretor). (2018). Coco [Filme]. Walt Disney Pictures; Pixar Animations Studio.

Porta dos Fundos. (2016). Descobrimento [Vídeo]. YouTube.

Robinson, K. (2006). Do schools kill creativity? [Vídeo] TED Conferences.

Artigo Livre

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