Ethnography and Ethics in Studies on Death and Dying
Death, Dead, Dying, Ethnography, Research ethicsAbstract
In this article, we collect studies on death and dying that use ethnography as a primary analysis method to show how the problem of research ethics increasingly influences the relationship between death and ethnography. First, we review late 19th century studies. Then, we analyze these developments in the first disciplinary manuals and in the systematic ethnographies that approached the problem to analyze other spheres of daily life. We also show the main interests of the first studies devoted entirely to this axis and the works that gave name to this research field. Current studies highlight research as an event that is co-constructed with the interlocutors and raises the dangers of methodological extractivism, although there is still a particular imaginary about the harmlessness of ethnography. From our perspective, ethnographic studies on death cannot avoid asking about the ethical questions surrounding the investigation.
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