minorias sexuais e de gênero, envelhecimento, luto, viuvezAbstract
The aging of the LGBT population (lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transsexuals) carries a double prejudice with suffering and little social support. The widowhood of elderly LGBT couples denotes mourning without social and legal legitimacy, making access to social and psychological support difficult. The aim of this article is to understand the experience of grieving a spouse in LGBT seniors and the implications for mental health. A narrative review of the literature was carried out, in which Anglo-Saxon studies and few national materials on the subject were evidenced. The specificity of mourning the loss of a spouse in the LGBT population was described, especially in gay and lesbian couples; on the support to the bereaved LGBT and on the training of health professionals to care for this population. It is considered the essential theme for the appreciation and recognition of the grief of these people, sensitization of professionals to be able to care for the bereaved. It is suggested to carry out research and studies in the area for a better understanding of the subject.
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