Lili como fantasma: tensionando a cena de interpelação da teoria queer
Teoria queer, Antropologia da morte, Fantasmas, EspectralidadeAbstract
Shaynna Xayuri Morgana, known as Lili, was a trans activist of the LGBTQIA + movement with a historical performance in Cachoeira and Recôncavo da Bahia. In the early hours of August 27, 2017, Lili was murdered with 27 shots to the face in a crime still without a judicial resolution. Result of the master's dissertation on Lili's phantasmatic presence in the city of Cachoeira, this article seeks to rescue part of the ethnography carried out after Lili's death with her friends, family and political activist partners, in order to tension a key conception in Queer Theory proposed by Judith Butler: the idea that a scene of normative interpellation mobilizes a critical turn of the gender dissident subject towards queerity. We start from how her death was perceived by her friends and went through scenes of his funeral to build our argument. Our hypothesis is that every interpelative scene needs to be understood from its context, and that certain calls conjured up in the company of lethal violence or its promise, can make queer identity unfeasible as a critical and political identification possibility.
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