Um toque de amor à morte: construção e validação de cartilha educativa sobre as doulas da morte
Doulas, Death, Palliative Care, Terminal Care, Attitude to DeathAbstract
The objective of this research is to investigate the experiences of death doulas in Brazil. This is a qualitative research, carried out 20 with death doulas trained and working in Brazil, aged between 27 and 68 years. The interviews were collected between June and August 2022 and were submitted to the Content Analysis technique. From the speeches, it was possible to observe that death doulas are collaborators who use compassionate communication strategies in all stages of death of people who experience human finitude and their families; they serve the entire health care network and also act as facilitators in education for death. They present as difficulties the taboo of death, the lack of professional regulation, which together increase the stigma of the profession. It is considered essential to deepen the view on the work of death doulas, in order to increase the visibility and importance of the profession, in order to break the paradigm of death as a forbidden topic, and open space for a look at dying well .
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