Morte aparente e verificação de óbitos na medicina século XIX: algumas perspectivas de abordagem a partir das teses médicas
apparent death, medical theses, deaths, 19th centuryAbstract
In Brazilian historiography, death has already become a consolidated object of study. Despite the relevance of research on the subject, the role played by the medical discourse on death and dying has some aspects little contemplated by researchers, among them the discussion around apparent death. The objective of the article is to discuss how apparent death and the verification of deaths became a medical issue in the 19th century, having as its main source the medical theses of the Faculty of Medicine of Rio de Janeiro. The central argument is that the medical theses allow identifying the main aspects of the theme, reverberating the medical discussions of the time and the debates about apparent death in Brazil. From a reading of these sources, and their relationship with articles published in journals and definitions in medical dictionaries, it was possible to analyse how the theses appropriated the medical theories of the time and, at the same time, proposed specific solutions to the issue of verification of the Deaths.
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