“Interrogar os mortos para cuidar dos vivos”. Autópsias, dissecações e aprendizado médico no contexto da escravidão (1808 – 1850)
Autópsias, dissecações e aprendizado médico no contexto da escravidão (1808 – 1850).
Autópsia, Dissecação, Medicina, Corpo, EscravidãoAbstract
This article analyzes the use of cadavers in the context of medical education in the academic production published in treatises and journals in the first half of the 19th century in the Imperial Court. The dead body played a fundamental pedagogical role in the professional training of physicians and in observations on diseases, in the search for more effective treatments. However, the routines of acquiring and using cadavers for pedagogical purposes were a challenge with different solutions in Europe and the United States. This research shows how physicians in the capital of the Empire dealt with this issue. The bodies used for studies on the impact of diseases on human physiology and their treatment, as well as those made available for medical teaching and training, were mostly black and enslaved people.
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