Seminar series - New Works on Roman Religion - UNIRIO/Sapienza Università di Roma


Seminar series - New Works on Roman Religion - UNIRIO/Sapienza Università di Roma

03/05 to 21/06 de 2022

We are pleased to invite you to the Seminar series New Work on Roman Religion, one of the instalments of the research project RITMOThe Place-making Function of Ritual Movement in Roman Religion, with the support of MSC Actions (Grant agreement n. 101024439).

This weekly remote Seminar on Tuesday (18.00 Rome time = 13.00 Rio de Janeiro time) is multilingual.  Everyone is welcome to attend – for individual lectures as well as for the entire series. Please register via email (


Guest lectures:

03/05 – Giorgio Ferri – Sapienza Università di Roma: Diversis exit uterque partibus: The running of the Luperci and Rome’s sacred landscape.

10/05 – Claudia Beltrão – Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro: Cicero on divine images and Epicurus’ είδωλα.

17/05 – María Emilia Cairo – Universidad Nacional de La Plata:  Religión e identidad romana en la Eneida de Virgilio: un análisis de los oráculos y vaticinios.

24/05 – Guillermina Bogdan – Universidad Nacional de La Plata: Religio y magia en el libro IV de Eneida de Virgilio.

31/05 – Paolo Garofalo – Universidade de Lisboa: As tradições sobre as origens das nonae caprotinae entre Roma e o Lácio.

07/06 – Federico Santangelo – Newcastle University: Sulla and the Death of Metella.

14/06 – Érica Christyane Silva – Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo: Cidade e proteção divina: o caso de Antioquia de Orontes

21/06 – Jörg Rüpke –Universität Erfurt: Urban Religion.