Cícero, Provincial Elites, CiliciaAbstract
According to Suetonius, Tiberius told governors who were suggesting to impose burdensome taxes on the provinces, that ‘it was the part of a good shepherd to shear his flock, not skin it’ (Tib. 32.2). Such a paternalistic approach was deeply rooted in the mentality of senators of the late Republic and early Empire: provincials were (almost) harmless subjects whom governors had to protect, rather than abuse. As it is well known, Cicero clearly shared this perspective. This paper will deal with some remarks on military matters and provincial élites included in his correspondence as governor of Cilicia. As a matter of fact, even if he styled himself as an exemplar governor and boasted the enthusiastic support of Cilician communities, provincials played a minor role in his correspondence, whose outlook is strikingly similar to Tiberius’. Especially regarding military matters, the governor did not credit the provincials with giving a significant contribution to the defence of their province and his later success against the tribes of the Amanus mountain. As we shall see, the actual reality of Cicero’s campaign in Cilicia reveals the role played by the provincials and their élites in keeping under control and defend their home regions. Cicero was possibly unwilling to admit that the local élites were needed to protect the Mediterranean empire, as this conclusion could have practical consequences on their political standing. Cicero’s (and Tiberius’) words are deceptive: the leading men of the provinces were much more than a flock of sheep, and the extent of their actual influence still awaits to be fully recognised
Copyright (c) 2022 Alberto Cafaro
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