Um ensaio teórico de aproximação do pensamento de Foucault, Aquile Mbembe e Denise Ferreira da Silva a partir do conceito de raça.



Evento Racial, Necropolítica, Biopolítica.


This theoretical explanatory essay has as its object of study the theme of the racial event, aiming to understand both its theoretical foundations and meaning in the life of the target population. To deal with this theme, the chosen scientific method is the bibliographic review based on the specialized literature on the subject. It was identified in the final considerations that what Denise Ferreira da Silva's theory allows us to think is that the moral and cultural difference produced by the racial event is related to a discourse that justifies the process of colonialist exploitation. Thus, the discussion of the moral dimension of such a problem prevents the apprehension of the economic-political phenomena that guarantee the very condition of reproducibility of the world system. Furthermore, this study is sociologically and ethically justified based on the need to reflect on racial violence, given that in Brazil necropolitics is visible both in the prison system and in the conformity of public authorities and civil society with the population in a situation of street and with the precarious conditions of the peripheral regions in big cities, as in psychiatric hospitals and in the queues of public defenders.


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Author Biography

Fábio Régio Bento, Universidade Federal do Pampa - Unipampa

Doutor em Ciências Sociais pela Pontifícia Universidade S. Tommaso D'Aquino (Roma, 1996). Professor Associado Universidade Federal do Pampa (Unipampa). Docente colaborador no PPG em Relações Internacionais da UEPB.



How to Cite

Horstmann, M., & Bento, F. R. . (2024). O EVENTO RACIAL: : Um ensaio teórico de aproximação do pensamento de Foucault, Aquile Mbembe e Denise Ferreira da Silva a partir do conceito de raça. Humanidades Em Revista, 5(1), 15–23. Retrieved from https://seer.unirio.br/hr/article/view/12045

