The Reproduction of Gender Prejudice in Biographical Analyses of Female Figures of the Third Reich.
Leni Riefenstahl, Biographies of Nazis, Nazism and Female Figures, Misogyny in Biographical Analysis, nazi filmmakersAbstract
Through considerations of gender studies, this text provides a critical analysis of the biographical work written by Steven Bach (2007) about the trajectory of the Third Reich's main propaganda filmmaker, Leni Riefenstahl. Several instances of potential mistakes and generalizations in the biography were analyzed, reinforcing gender role structures and concealing historiographical issues fostered by the reproduction of patriarchal patterns in academia. The biographical analysis evaluated assertions that denote gender prejudices, without implying support for the controversial actions carried out by the filmmaker during her involvement in the Third Reich. Thus, the research acknowledges the author's important role in exposing the crimes of Nazism and the memory of its associates, but it also highlights how gender bias can lead to the reproduction of profound analytical mistakes in historiographical production.
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