Wine tourism, accessibility, inclusion, people with disabilities, wineries.Abstract
ABSTRACT: The project Accessibility in the Wine Tourism was done between the Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul and Vinícola Salton. The project was developed between October 2022 and 2023, and its objective was to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in the winemaking sector, minimizing or eliminating barriers that make the participation of this public in wine tourism activities challenging or null. Structured with a qualitative approach and action research, the activities involved people with disabilities, students and professionals from the education area, inclusive teaching, tourism, architecture, design, and web development, among others. As a result, through an on-site diagnosis of the main accessibility barriers in the winery's physical and virtual spaces, accessibility reports were prepared, pointing adjustments to be made, also involving the capacitation of collaborators of the winery and the creation of Accessibility in Enotourism Guide and the Glossary in Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) of terms from the world of wine (materials that will be available freely online to use and update by people and companies that wish to utilize or replicate the initiative). From the project, it was possible to identify barriers that make it difficult or stop people with disabilities from accessing or participating in enotourism, mostly due to the lack of accessibility in the experiences, providing opportunities for improvements and adaptations in the physical and virtual spaces of the winery.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Anderson Dall Agnol, Felipe Gugel, Hernanda Tonini
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