Individualism and professional profile amongst academic musicians

A typological proposal


  • Ana Carolina Couto Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
  • Jorge Ventura de Morais Universidade Federal de Pernambuco


Individualism, Conservatoire Culture, Academic Musicians, Performance, Research in Music


We analyse social processes which shape different visions by musicians on academic research. Then, we propose a typology of these social actors. Our empirical material is based on information collected from sites of Post-Graduate Programs in Music and major national associations regarding research in music. We also 20 academic musicians throughout the country. We have analysed this material under the guidance of Peter Berger & Thomas Luckmann’s sociology of knowledge. As a result, we have been able to identify three different kinds of academic musicians.


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How to Cite

Couto, A. C., & Ventura de Morais, J. (2023). Individualism and professional profile amongst academic musicians: A typological proposal. DEBATES - Cadernos Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Música, 25(2), 1–25. Retrieved from