La apropiación de los golpes de arco a través de la tutoría entre pares en el aula de violín
Musical instrument education, violin learning, peer tutoring, bow strokes, appropriationAbstract
Despite the fact that musical practices are eminently group activities, the cultural tradition of scholarly music teaching is highly regulated and depends on individual learning, in which knowledge is transferred directly from teacher to student. Faced with this reality, peer tutoring turns out to be an interesting strategy in musical instrument teaching and learning, because it proposes a model in which level differences are not seen as a problem but rather as a resource. With bowed string instruments, in order to achieve richness in the interpretation of various articulations, it is necessary to master the right hand technique called bow strokes. The objective of this study is to analyze elementary violin students’ appropriation of two bow strokes (spiccato and martelé) through peer tutoring. To this end, a complementary didactic intervention in the violin classes has been developed and implemented. The study focuses on a couple with fixed roles and is analyzed under the qualitative paradigm as a case study, with the tutor being 16 years old and the mentee being 12. The data are obtained through videos of the sessions, observation sheets of the violin teacher and questionnaires for the students, which are analyzed and later triangulated. The results show that peer tutoring facilitates the appropriation of spiccato and martelé on the violin, especially for the student with the role of tutor. These results coincide with other previous works on the identification of key aspects of appropriation in peer tutoring and are added, as a contribution, to the specific area of musical instrument education.
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