O contestado e a construção do mito do herói de guerra João Gualberto
Culto aos Mortos, Memória, Heroicização, Usos do Passado, IdentidadeAbstract
This article analyzes the construction of the myth of the hero João Gualberto, killed in the Battle of Irani during the Contestado War (1912-1916). The approach taken by the press of the period reinforces the narrative of a military example, his conduct at the event and details about the ceremonies and tributes to the officer. Modeling the political and cultural imaginary and, at the same time, being modeled by it, Gualberto really also had much of the “soul” of the capital of Paraná, as conveyed in the posthumous speeches reproduced and constructed by the newspapers. The performance of the Paraná Security Regiment, in the theatrical spectacle of the death of João Gualberto, produced a repository of memories that were used by the corporation over decades to re(invent) a tradition of heroism as an institutional mission.
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