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Factors related to pregnancy in adolescence: reproductive profile of a group of pregnant women




Women's Health, Health education, Pregnancy in adolescence, Prenatal care, nursing


Objective: to describe the reproductive profile of adolescent women participating in a group of pregnant women. Method: descriptive, cross-sectional, documentary and retrospective study carried out through the registration form of participants of a group of pregnant women linked to the nursing office of a federal public university in Rio de Janeiro in 2018. Results: 59 records were analyzed. there was a predominance of women, young people (71.2%); single (72.3%); multiparous (56%); who had previously had a cesarean section (39%); in the second trimester of pregnancy (61%); type of public prenatal care (86.4%); desiring vaginal delivery (45.8%) and postpartum tubal ligation as a contraceptive method (30.5%), participated in the group without companions (79.7%) and desired postpartum home visit (78%). Conclusion: the need, related factors and vulnerabilities in reproductive health were identified with a view to implementing primary care aimed at health promotion, disease prevention and early detection.


Author Biographies

Brenda Pontes, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Nursing Academic. Fluminense Federal University/Rio das Ostras Campus. Scientific Initiation Scholarship/FAPERJ.

Jane Baptista Quitete, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Obstetric Nurse. PhD in Nursing from UERJ. Associate Professor at the Fluminense Federal University Campus Universitário de Rio das Ostras. Coordinator of the Nursing Office/UFF.

Rosana de Carvalho Castro, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Obstetric Nurse. PhD in Nursing from UFRJ. Associate Professor at the Fluminense Federal University Campus Universitário de Rio das Ostras.

Gisele Cordeiro Fernandes, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Nursing Academic. Fluminense Federal University/Rio das Ostras Campus.

Laelma de Jesus, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Nursing Academic. Fluminense Federal University/Rio das Ostras Campus.

Raquel Cardoso Teixeira, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Nursing Academic. Fluminense Federal University/Rio das Ostras Campus. Proex/UFF Scholarship.


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How to Cite

Pontes B, Baptista Quitete J, de Carvalho Castro R, Cordeiro Fernandes G, de Jesus L, Cardoso Teixeira R. Factors related to pregnancy in adolescence: reproductive profile of a group of pregnant women. Rev. Pesqui. (Univ. Fed. Estado Rio J., Online) [Internet]. 2023Feb.10 [cited 2025Mar.13];15:e-11972. Available from:



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