Sexual behavior of post-modern women and sexually transmitted infections: a review study
a review study
Women, Sexual behavior, Health risk behaviors, Sexually transmitted diseases, NursingAbstract
Objective: to identify the scientific evidence available in the literature on the risky sexual behavior of women and the relationship with the occurrence of Sexually Transmitted. Method: integrative review of articles available in full, obtained from PubMed, EBSCO, Lilacs and Web os Science databases. Controlled descriptors and keywords “women” or “woman” or “female”, “sexually transmitted disease/transmission” or “sexually transmitted diseases/transmission” and “risky sexual behavior” or “unsafe sex” were used. Results: 794 studies were identified. Of there, thirteen studies composed the sample. Evidence showed that multiple sexual partners; the use of mobile apps to recruit partners; women who have sex with women regardless of sexual orientation; age disparity in relationships; intergenerational relationships are risky sexual behaviors among women. Conclusion: presence of new sexual risk behaviors among post-moderns women. Identify new and old risky sexual behaviors is critical for screening for sexually transmitted infections.
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- 2023-06-30 (2)
- 2023-03-07 (1)
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