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The Revista de Pesquisa: Cuidado é Fundamental Online - RPCFO, is a peer-reviewed scientific journal edited by the Graduate Programs in Nursing - Alfredo Pinto Nursing School of the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro. These teaching units are hosted by the Alfredo Pinto Nursing School of the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO. The journal's objective is to disseminate scientific knowledge produced in the specific field of nursing sciences, with an interdisciplinary approach encompassing education, life sciences, and health sciences. Its mission is to publish original and unpublished works by Brazilian and international authors that contribute to the knowledge and development of nursing, health, and related sciences.

Relevance and Uniqueness of the Journal for National Scientific and Technological Development

The Revista de Pesquisa Cuidado é Fundamental Online plays a crucial role on the national scene by significantly contributing to scientific and technological advancement in the field of health care. Its relevance and uniqueness are highlighted by several key aspects:

1. Focus on Fundamental Care: The journal's emphasis on fundamental health care ensures that it addresses essential aspects of nursing and health care practices. This focus is vital for improving patient outcomes, increasing the quality of care, and supporting the professional development of health professionals across the country.

2. Platform for Original Research: By prioritizing the publication of original research, the journal serves as a primary source for the latest discoveries and innovations in the health field. This not only advances scientific knowledge but also provides evidence-based insights that can be directly applied in clinical and administrative settings.

3. Interdisciplinary Approach: The journal encourages interdisciplinary research, integrating various fields such as nursing, medicine, psychology, and physiotherapy. This approach promotes a comprehensive understanding of health issues, encouraging holistic and innovative solutions to complex problems.

4. Accessibility and Open Access: Committed to the principles of open access, the journal ensures that all published content is freely available to the public. This democratization of knowledge promotes broader dissemination of scientific findings, making them accessible to a wider audience, including professionals, researchers, and policymakers.

5. Contribution to Professional Development: The journal serves as an educational resource for health professionals, providing updated information that supports continuous learning and professional growth. This contributes to the improvement of health practices and the overall development of the health sector.

6. Ethical Standards and Quality: By adhering to strict ethical standards and a robust peer-review process, the journal ensures the publication of high-quality and credible research. This integrity builds trust within the scientific community and among professionals, reinforcing the journal's status as a reliable source of knowledge.

In summary, the Revista de Pesquisa Cuidado é Fundamental Online stands out as a unique and invaluable resource in the Brazilian health sector. Its dedication to high-quality, accessible, and interdisciplinary research significantly contributes to national scientific and technological development, ultimately improving health outcomes and increasing the quality of care provided across the country.