About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Public Policy Law: Journal of the GraduateProgram in Law of The Federal University of the State ofRio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) aims to promote and encouragethe scientific academic development on Public Policy Law focused on Social and Human Sciences.

The Journal's target audience are native or foreignresearchers on Public Policy Law, from UNIRIO or otherinstitutionsall selected by half-yearly officialannouncement containing the necessary requirements for the edition and submissions.

Qualitative and quantitative researches will beselectedaiming to deep the theoretical and critical debate per periodical publications of authors selected by Double Blind Review process.

The Journal Focus on the Public Policy Law theme in an interdisciplinar characterThereforethe papers will beselected according to the area of concentration of theGraduate Program in Law – StateSociety and PublicPolicy – covering its two lines of research: 1- StateConstitution and Public Policy; 2- Law, Public Policy andSustainability.

The scientific papers should address issues onConstitution, Public Policy and Law, Public Policy andSustainability, in order to promote theoretical, conceptual, analytical and applied studiesTranslations and book reviews will also be accepted.

The papers must necessarily address the vision ofLaw on Public Policy.

Scientific articles, book reviewstranslations andempirical studies will be accepted.

Articles and empirical studies must contain a maximum of 30 Pagesincluding space andreferences.

Book reviews must address recent editions (5 years in case of international publication and 3 years in case ofnational publication), containing a maximum of 30.000 characters.

Unpublished reviews will also be publishedwhichshould demonstrate the relevance of the work for the fieldin which it is inserted and elicit critical discussions aboutit. Book reviews should privilege titles of academicinterest over publications of professional use. Book reviews purely descriptivethat only summarizes theargument of the work will not be accepted.

Translations must favor classic papers or hard toaccess to Brazilian audience. The selection of these works will consider relevance and technical quality of thetranslation.

Peer Review Process

The papers will be assessed by Double Blind Reviewprocess. The identity of the evaluators will be keptconfidential, as well as the identity of the researcher. The uploaded files will necessarily omit the authorshipotherwise the paper will be disqualified.

In case of approvalthe evaluation board will contactthe author by email whithin the deadline established in thepublic call

In case of approval with reservationsthe author willreceive an specific deadline to edit the paper for furtherreview.

In case of disapprovalthe evaluation board reserves the right to not send emailsinforming in the Journalwebsite the reasons why the article was not approved.

NBRS: 6022, 6023, 6024, 6026, 6028, 10520 e 10525 must be observed.

Aiming the continuous improvement and quality ofpublicationsthe Journal will select evaluators in fivediferente states of Brazil articulating the five nationalregions.

All the articles received will be submitted to theJournal evaluators anonymously according to criteria for na imparcial and objective evaluation

The papers must be unprecedentedunpublished, in any other scientific jornal. The academic productionshould be written in Portuguese, Spanish or English.

All the papers published in the Journal are underCreative Commons licenseThusthe copydistributionexibitionand execution of the work are permitted, as wellas the creation of derivative worksexcept the use for comercial purposes.

The original author must be credited as specified bythe author or licensor.

The author have total and sole responsibility for thecontent of the signed texts and must be inscripted in ORCID, which mandatory from 2019.

The editorial board reserves the right to modify theoriginal writingwith post notification to the authors.

Publication Frequency

The Public Policy Law: Journal of the Graduate Program in Law of The Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) is a semiannual scientific publication.

Open Access Policy

The Public Policy Law: Journal of the Graduate Program in Law of The Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) is a semianual scientific publication.

The publication aims to promote and encourage the scientific academic development in the area of concentration of the Graduate Program in Law – State, Society and Public Policy – covering its two lines of research: 1- State, Constitution and Public Policy; 2- Law, Public Policy and Sustainability.

Theoretical, conceptual, analytical and applied studies will be published, as well as translations and book reviews aiming to elicit critical discussions about.

The papers sent must be unprecedented and will be assessed anonymously, under impartial and objective evaluation criteria, by Double Blind Review process.

All the papers published in the Journal are free access under Creative Commons license.


Journal History

The Public Policy Law Journal of the Graduate Program in Law of the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – UNIRIO) aims to promote and encourage the scientific academic development on Public Policy Law focused on Social and Human Sciences.