Desigualdade social, necropolítica e a intervenção da Defensoria Pública
Defensoria Pública. Desigualdade Social. Necropolítica. Democracia. Cidadania.Abstract
This article analyzes the possible intervention of the Public Defender's Office in the context of social inequality in Brazil and its impacts on society, while analyzing the Necropolitics as a State policy. It starts with the scenario of profound social inequality that still resists in Brazil, and its consequences for citizenship and democracy. For that, we take the concept of necropolitics developed by the black philosopher, historian, political theorist and university professor from Cameroon Achille Mbembe who, elaborated a study questioning the limits of sovereignty when the State chooses who should live and who should die. One possible way that the Public Defender's Office can intervene in this scenario is to strengthen citizenship and democracy, and collaborate in the construction of an inclusive way, of recognition of rights, of respect for the different, of rejection of a society that discriminates, that only recognizes some and disregards others. All of this can be mitigated, and in some cases even modified, through two axes, that of denouncing “death zones”, and of education in rights.
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