Política editorial com vistas à sustentabilidade

Financial sustainability is the pillar that deserves the greatest effort for the success of the journal. The specialized technical work and the analysis of scientific merit require intense dedication from the editorial team. The satisfaction of readers and authors is the main motivation for the constant improvement of the journal. Thus, by better understanding the work and challenges of the editorial process of the Revista de Pesquisa Cuidado é Fundamental (RPCFO), we invite readers to explore the scientific articles published up to the present issue and to follow future editions. Aiming for the best management of received articles and the continuity of quality publications, the editorial processes of RPCFO are under the responsibility of the journal's Editorial Committee. Thus, the journal reserves the right to publish only manuscripts that have undergone the rigorous evaluation and editing process. Maintaining editorial activities with scientific quality demands an adequate and continuous structure and resources. Publishing articles involves costs with language review, translation, standardization, layout, electronic publishing (DOI, XML, HTML), among other services. The public financing model for editorial activity in Brazil, although one of the most successful experiences in the world, is still insufficient. It is important to note that RPCFO does not charge any fees for submission, evaluation, or publication of articles. The editorial process, under the responsibility of the journal's Editorial Committee, includes:
i) Text revision services after authors have made the requested modifications during the evaluation process;
ii) Formatting and standardization of the work, following Vancouver norms, citations, and references; iii) Complete translation to English, as well as Portuguese versions of articles originally in English or Spanish;
iv) XML version;
v) DOI assignment and validation costs;
vi) Review and formatting of metadata related to the article and author information on the OJS – Open Journal System – platform and in the article;
vii) Other editorial and management services for the articles.
To ensure the financial sustainability of RPCFO, we regularly participate in funding calls for scientific journals offered by the Pro-Rectory of Graduate Studies, Research, and Innovation at UNIRIO, CAPES, CNPq, FAPERJ, among others. Part of the funding for editorial services comes from these grants, when we meet all the criteria of the calls. Diversifying funding sources and continuously seeking new partners and sponsors are essential to maintaining the quality and continuity of RPCFO's publications. Thus, we ensure that the journal continues to be a reference of scientific excellence in the field of health care.