About the Journal

Editorial Policy 

The Journal of Research Cuidado é Fundamental Online, published by the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), upholds a rigorous editorial policy to ensure the highest standards of scientific quality and integrity. The journal's editorial policy is built on several key principles:

1. Peer Review Process: All submitted manuscripts undergo a strict double-blind peer review process. This ensures that reviews are unbiased and based solely on the scientific merit of the work. Reviewers are selected for their expertise in the subject matter of the manuscript, and they provide detailed feedback to authors to improve the quality of their work.

2. Ethical Standards: The journal adheres to international ethical guidelines for scholarly publishing. This includes ensuring the originality of submitted works, avoiding plagiarism, and maintaining transparency in conflicts of interest. Authors are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest and sources of funding.

3. Open Access Policy: The Journal of Research Cuidado é Fundamental Online is committed to the principles of open access, ensuring that all published content is freely available to the public. This promotes greater dissemination and accessibility of scientific knowledge, fostering a wider impact on the health community.

4. Diversity and Inclusion: The journal encourages submissions from a diverse range of authors, including those from underrepresented regions and institutions. It seeks to reflect the plurality of perspectives and experiences in the health field, promoting inclusive and equitable practices in scholarly publishing.

5. Interdisciplinary Approach: Recognizing the interconnected nature of health sciences, the journal welcomes interdisciplinary research that integrates various fields such as nursing, medicine, psychology, and physiotherapy. This approach enriches the content and relevance of the published articles.

6. Continuous Improvement: The editorial team is dedicated to continuously improving the journal's processes and standards. Feedback from authors, reviewers, and readers is actively sought and used to enhance the quality and efficiency of the publication process.

By adhering to these principles, the Journal of Research Cuidado é Fundamental Online aims to contribute significantly to the advancement of health care practices, education, and management, providing a trusted platform for the dissemination of high-quality scientific research.

Focus and Scope

A Journal of Research: Online Care is Fundamental, the Post-graduation Program in Nursing - Master of the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro.

These teaching units are hosted by the Alfredo Pinto School of Nursing of the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO. The aim of the journal is to disseminate scientific knowledge produced in the specific field of nursing sciences, with an interdisciplinary approach encompassing education, life sciences and health sciences.The mission of the "Revista de Pesquisa Cuidado é Fundamental Online," published by the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), is to promote the dissemination of scientific knowledge in the health field, with a special focus on fundamental care. The journal seeks to be a reference platform for the publication of original research, systematic reviews, case studies, and theoretical articles that contribute to the advancement of health care practices, education, and management.

Proposal of the Journal of Research Cuidado é Fundamental Online

The Journal of Research Cuidado é Fundamental Online, published by the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), was founded in 2009 with the aim of disseminating scientific knowledge in the health field. Over the years, it has become a reference in the field of nursing and fundamental care, providing a platform for the publication of original research, systematic reviews, case studies, and theoretical articles.

Future Projection: the journal aims to expand its international visibility and impact by increasing collaborations with global research institutions and attracting high-quality submissions from researchers worldwide. The focus will be on interdisciplinary studies that integrate various fields of health sciences, enhancing the diversity and richness of published content. Additionally, the journal plans to adopt advanced digital tools to improve the accessibility and dissemination of its publications, ensuring that cutting-edge research reaches a broader audience.

Among the journal's core objectives are:

1. Scientific Dissemination: facilitate communication and exchange of scientific discoveries and innovations among health professionals, academics, and students.

2. Quality and Scientific Rigor: ensure the publication of high-quality, peer-reviewed content, guaranteeing the integrity and scientific validity of the articles.

3. Continuing Education: serve as an educational tool for health professionals, providing access to up-to-date and relevant information applicable to clinical practice and health service management.

4. Interdisciplinarity: foster interdisciplinary collaboration by encouraging submissions that integrate different fields of knowledge such as nursing, medicine, psychology, and physiotherapy.

5. Accessibility: ensure that scientific knowledge is accessible to a broad audience, promoting equity in information access.
The "Revista de Pesquisa Cuidado é Fundamental Online" is committed to maintaining high ethical standards in its publications, adhering to international guidelines for good editorial practices. The journal is dedicated to being an inclusive and diverse channel, reflecting the plurality of perspectives and experiences in the health field. Ultimately, the journal's mission is to significantly contribute to the improvement of health care quality, promoting evidence-based practices, and strengthening the continuous professional development of caregivers and health managers.

About 70% of the articles are published as original scientific articles and about 30% of the articles are review articles (systematic review. The double blind peer review process includes 10 stages from submission to dissemination (Pre-analysis; Checklist; Peer review; Article management; Technical and documentary treatment; Final review; Translation; DOI mapping and assignment; PDF; and dissemination through databases). It publishes papers that are not under evaluation in another journal simultaneously. The following documents are available to authors: checklist and evaluation form. Reviewers can access systematic review structures. The management of the review process is fully automated. This allows effective control, regulation and evaluation (management of authors, reviewers and article). The journal has an international reach and is published in bilingual format (English version is mandatory). It is addressed to students, researchers and professionals in life sciences, health sciences and education. Articles that present similarities, even in part of the text, figures or tables, with others already published will be excluded from the review process at any stage.  The veracity of the information and citations is the sole responsibility of the authors. Concepts, ideas and opinions emitted in the manuscripts, as well as the exactness, adequacy and origin of the bibliographical references are the entire responsibility of the author(s), and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Editorial Board of the RPCFO. Thus, the instructions described here aim to guide researchers on the norms adopted by this Journal to evaluate the manuscripts submitted to it. The concepts, affirmations and opinions emitted in the manuscripts, the reliability, adequacy and origin of the bibliographical citations are the exclusive responsibility of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Editorial Board and Committee. RPCFO follows the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (http://publicationethics.org/resources/code-conduct) . The journal also adopts the "Uniform Requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals" (Vancouver Style) (https://www.icmje.org/recommendations).

As a supplementary document, a copy of the research protocol approval by a Research Ethics Committee is required for research involving, directly or indirectly, human beings (except for data in the public domain).

For clinical trial type studies, please consult the link: https://www.ensaiosclinicos.gov.br) which must be sent to the journal. In case the research involves animals, approval by the Ethics Committee on Animal Use is mandatory and must be submitted in the same way as the CEP.

RPCFO receives manuscripts in Portuguese, English and Spanish, however, they will be published in Portuguese and English. Regarding articles submitted in English and Spanish, in this case, a translation into Portuguese of the final approved version will be requested.

For this, the authors must submit their article through the Open Journal Systems -OJS. All authors must, REQUIREDLY, inform their ORCID registration number http://orcid.org).

RPCFO Cross-Reference Policy for the Crossmark Service: https://doi.org/10.9789/PRC/2175-5361

Peer Review Process

The publication of the manuscripts will depend on the observance of standards and assessment of RPCF and the Editorial Board / referees / reviewers, who has full authority to decide on its acceptance, and may even make suggestions (without altering the scientific content) to author(s) for the necessary changes. In this case, that manuscript will be reviewed by the Editorial Board, remaining confidential the name of the consultant, and also omitted (s) name (s) of author(s) consultants. Manuscripts accepted for publication will be notified and provided his return to the author(s). When the research involves human subjects, authors must acknowledge the number of protocol approval by the Ethics Committee. The maximum number of authors will be of 06 per manuscript. Manuscripts are reviewed by two consultants, however, according to their specificity, the publisher may designate a third party.




Periodicity in continuous flow. Articles must be published in Portuguese and English.

RPCFO Cross Reference Policy

Open Access Policy

Crossmark is an initiative by several Crossref publishers to provide a standard way for readers to locate the current version of a piece of content. By applying the Crossmark logo, [add name] commits to maintaining the content it publishes and to alerting readers to changes, if and when they occur. Clicking on the Crossmark logo informs the current status of a document and also provides additional information about the document.This journal offers immediate open access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge. However, for manuscript submission, it is necessary that the author register with LOGIN and PASSWORD.

The RPCFO understands that a possible solution for the greater dissemination of knowledge is the construction of free access archives/repositories based on open archives, where the contents can be accessed without costs or barriers of any kind. The open access archives/repositories based on open archives are interoperable and, for this reason, can be accessed by several service providers available nationally and internationally. In this way, the RPCFO allows the simultaneous publication of its content in institutional repositories and the open access thematic repositories, used by the scientific communities to support and broaden the dissemination of research results as well as maximize their impact, creating mechanisms to legitimize and stimulate the publication of the papers produced. This journal allows authors to deposit their submissions in preprints repositories. o SciELO Preprints.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons:Noncommercial-No Derivative Works License

Manuscript Evaluation Process

The evaluation process of articles submitted for publication in RPCFO-Revista de Pesquisa Cuidado é Fundamental Online, after preliminary screening by the Editor-in-Chief, consists of three stages:

1) screening performed by the Editor-in-Chief, who examines the suitability of the paper to the editorial line of the journal and its potential for publication. At this point, the submission may be summarily archived if it does not meet the submission standards determined by the RPCFO;

2) preliminary evaluation by a member of the Scientific Editorial Board to identify the contribution of the article to his/her area of expertise; 

3) double-blind review.

The double-blind review is coordinated by a member of the Scientific Editorial Board from the area of submission of the article, and consists of the interaction between the authors and two expert reviewers who, while evaluating the papers, make comments and offer suggestions for improvement. This stage involves continuous reevaluations, bringing together efforts to improve the articles.

Usually, the managing editor and the editor-in-chief add editorial advice to the referees' suggestions, with the aim of bringing the article into line with the journal's standards.

If approved, the article undergoes final editing and spelling and grammatical revision. The authors are informed of all the steps in the evaluation and preparation process. All costs for translation and proofreading in Portuguese and English are the responsibility of the authors.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons:Noncommercial-No Derivative Works License

Special thanks to Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES, CNPq and IBICT.

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro State - UNIRIO

Sources of Support

We thank the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro State for the provision of the DOI of the published articles and ABEC membership and for the constant support in the improvement of the Journal to the UNIRIO Libraries. We also thank the Graduate Programs PPGENF, PPGENFBIO and PPGSTEH, all based at the Alfredo Pinto School of Nursing and Direction of the School of Nursing for their support.

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro State - UNIRIO