Therapeutic itinerary of patients with diabetes mellitus in the basic network
Access to health services, Diabetes complications, Health policy, Primary health careAbstract
Objective: todiscuss the therapeutic itinerary of patients with Diabetes Mellitus in the public health care network of Sergipe and to identify the points of failure in this network. Method: thisis alldescriptive, cross-sectional, carried out in a teaching and research hospital in the municipality of Aracaju, Sergipe. The sample consisted of 13 participants with diabetes, hospitalized in the hospital, from May 2015 to December 2016. Central trend analyses and associations were performed using fisher's exact test. Results: fowes identified failures in the therapeutic itinerary of the participants, regarding the route traveled between diagnosis to hospitalizations; the role of secondary health care; the low resolution of primary care of the problems presented in order to avoid the search for tertiary care. Conclusion: the interface of flows pre-established by the public health system, for comprehensive care to patients with chronic complications due to diabetes, is still ineffective.
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