Pregnancy, High-risk; Hospitalization; Nursing; Diagnosis; Hospitals, maternity.Abstract
Objective: to describe the nursing diagnoses in pregnant women hospitalized in a maternity hospital. Method: quantitative approach study, developed during August 2017 to July 2018, in a maternity hospital in the municipality of the state of Ceará. The sample consisted of 181 hospitalized pregnant women. For the collection, a structured instrument was used. The information was compiled and stored in Excel. Results: of the 24 nursing diagnostic titles identified, 14 are real diagnoses and 10 are risks. The most prevalent related factors were threats to the current condition (89), followed by insufficient privacy and environmental barriers (75). Among the characteristics, changes in gait (42.54%), changes in sleep patterns (41.43%), the current location do not allow involvement in activities (35.91%) and edema (33.14) %). Invasive procedures and unplanned pregnancies predominated as risk factors for 55.24%. Conclusion: the clinical situations of high-risk pregnant women represented the main biopsychospiritual problems.
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