Preventive measures of the COVID-19 adopted by the health professional in the family coexistence
Primary health care, Communicable disease control, COVID-19, Disease prevention, Health professionalAbstract
Objective: analyse non-pharmacological measures of prevention of the Covid-19 adopted by health professionals in the Primary Attention to Health in family coexistence. Methods: transversal and analytical study performed with 229 health professionals of the Primary Attention. Data were collected through a virtual questionnaire in the platform SurveyMonkey. The data analysis was performed by the Chi-Square Test, exact of Fisher and logistic regression. Results: most of the professionals used hygiene measures of hands, environment cleaning, food hygiene, use of tissue masks and physical distancing of relatives. Male single/divorced health professionals have smaller chance to adopt environment cleaning, food hygiene and use of tissue masks. Conclusion: the adoption of non-pharmacological measures against Covid-19 by health professionals in family coexistence is essential for reducing contamination risk among their relatives.
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