Dietary patterns and epidemiological profile of newborns / Padrões alimentares e perfil epidemiológico de neonatos




Infant, Breastfeeding, Food Behavior, Growth and Development


Objectives: To know the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding, characterize dietary patterns of infants discharged from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and Intermediate Unit in the first six months of life. Methods: Study carried out in a maternity hospital at usual risk located in the city of Aracaju-SE. The sample consisted of infants discharged from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and the Intermediate Unit. Data were collected from hospital discharge summaries and interviews conducted with caregivers during outpatient consultations. Results: The sample consisted of 85 infants. During hospitalization, exclusive breastfeeding was predominant 45 (52.33%), followed by mixed breastfeeding 30 (34.88%) and isolated infant formula 11 (12.79%). In the first month after discharge, 46 (53.49%) remained on exclusive breastfeeding. At six months of life, n (29.41%) of the children were being exclusively breastfed, 11 (26.83%) had started the introduction of food and n (28%) the addition of farinaceous in the dietary pattern. Conclusions: There was low adherence to exclusive breastfeeding. The predominance of infant formula and farinaceous before the sixth month in children.

DESCRIPTORS: Infant; Breastfeeding; Food Behavior; Growth and Development.


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Author Biographies

Raissa Barreto Santana, Tiradentes University - UNIT

Graduated in Medicine from Tiradentes University - UNIT. Member of the Academic League of Emergency Medicine of Sergipe (LAMURGEM). Interested in research in the various areas of Medical Sciences

Larissa de Araújo Correia Teixeira, Tiradentes University - UNIT

Graduated in Medicine from Tiradentes University - UNIT. Member of the Academic League of Intensive Medicine of Sergipe (LIGAMIN-SE). Collaborating member and volunteer researcher of the Laboratory of Biosciences of Human Motricity (LABIMH-SE) in the areas of Neuroscience and Mental Health. Interested in research projects and extensions in the various areas of Medical Sciences.

Simone Beatriz dos Santos Santana, Tiradentes University - UNIT

Graduanda do curso de Medicina na Universidade Tiradentes. Integrou como participante em Congressos nas áreas de Pediatria e Cirurgia; como ouvinte em Congressos de Neurologia e Pediatria, além de simpósios em Saúde da Família e Comunidade, Infectologia, Pediatria, Urgência e Emergência, Neurocirurgia, Oncologia; e, como membro em cursos teórico-prático de Urgência e Emergência, Técnicas de Sutura, Incisão e Nós. Desenvolveu projeto de extensão na área de Farmacologia Clínica, participou de mutirão da saúde e desempenhou estágio extracurricular em pesquisa na área de Cardiologia.

Ana Jovina Barreto Bispo, Tiradentes University - UNIT

Graduated in Medicine from the Federal University of Sergipe; Specialist in Pediatrics by SBP Master and PhD in Health Sciences from the Federal University of Sergipe; President of the Sergipana Society of Pediatricians; Hu pediatrician of the Federal University of Sergipe; Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Tiradentes University; Preceptor of pediatric residency of HU-UFS, HUSE and Hospital Santa Isabel.

Fábio Batista Miranda, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO

PhD student in Science at the Nursing and Biosciences Program (PPGEnfBio)/Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro/UNIRIO. Master's degree in Primary Health Care/Faculty of Medicine/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro/UFRJ. Specialist in Family Health/CEST and Activation of Change Processes in Higher Education of Health Professionals - ENSP/FIOCRUZ. Bachelor of Nursing/IFES and Hospital Management/UNICEUMA. Currently, researcher at the Laboratory of Biosciences of Human Motricity (LABIMH). He is proofreader of manuscripts of the Brazilian Journal of Geriatrics and Gerontology (RBGG) and Revista Nursing. 

Estélio Henrique Martin Dantas, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO

He holds a Full Degree in Physical Education from the Army Physical Education School (1979), a Bachelor's degree in Military Sciences from the Military Academy of Agulhas Negras (1972), a Master's degree in Military Operations from the Army's School of Improvement of Officers (1981), a Master's degree in Physical Education from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1985), Master's degree in Education from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (1986) and PhD in Physical Education from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (1988). Professor of Physical Education at the Fluminense Federal University (1994), post-doctorate in Psychophysiology at Gama Filho University (1998), physiology at the Catholic University San Antonio de Murcia (2001) and biophysics at the University of Valencia (Spain - 2010). Full Professor of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, currently not present as a permanent professor of the Graduate Program in Nursing and Biosciences of the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO. He is full Professor at the University of Tiradentes - UNIT, where he serves as Permanent Professor of the Graduate Program in Health and Environment.


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How to Cite

Santana RB, Teixeira L de AC, Santana SB dos S, Barreto Bispo AJ, Miranda FB, Dantas EHM. Dietary patterns and epidemiological profile of newborns / Padrões alimentares e perfil epidemiológico de neonatos. Rev. Pesqui. (Univ. Fed. Estado Rio J., Online) [Internet]. 2023Jan.13 [cited 2024Jul.22];14:e-11725. Available from:



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