Geriatric Nursing, Health of the Elderly, Quality of Life, Monitoring, Ambulatory, Senior centersAbstract
Objective: to analyze the quality of life of elderly members of a community center through the application of the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL) -bref and WHOQOL-OLD scales. Method: this is a descriptive and inferential study, with a quantitative approach, with 58 elderly people from a social center for care by the multidisciplinary team. To obtain the data, a sociodemographic data collection instrument was used, the WHOQOL-bref and WHOQOL-OLD scales. Results: the highest average obtained in the instruments was the WHOQOL-bref “environment” domain (26.9%) and WHOQOL-OLD “social participation” domain (15.5%). The variable age was significantly correlated with the domain of death and dying of the WHOQOL-OLD and the social relationships domain of the WHOQOL-bref. Conclusion: elderly people who are followed up at the community center showed a good perception of quality of life. Demonstrating the importance of training teams for better attention to care and gerontological management.
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- 2022-10-04 (2)
- 2022-10-04 (1)
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