Mental health
social representations of the nurses of the family health strategy
Mental Health, Nursing, primary health care.Abstract
Introduction: to understand the social representations of the nurses of the Family Health Strategies on Mental Health in Primary Care and to analyze the implications of these social representations in the care of people affected by mental illness. Method: a descriptive study, with a qualitative approach, using the theoretical and methodological framework of the Theory of Social Representations. Results: three driving nuclei emerged: 'Impressions and Consensual Representations regarding Mental Health in Primary Care'; 'Nursing interventions in the Family Health Strategy in the field of mental health' and 'Expectations regarding the mental health care network'. Final Considerations: With the research it was possible to identify the representations that the practices and interventions in Mental Health should be part of a process that involves the professional-family-environment trinomium, being fundamental that the users of the service can receive treatment in a holistic and humanized way.
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