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Factors associated with emergency room visit or hospitalization in care oncology home care: an integrative review /Fatores associados à visita à emergência ou hospitalização em cuidados paliativos oncológicos domiciliares: uma revisão integrativa




Palliative care, Neoplasms, Home care services, Emergency, Hospitalization


Objective: to identify the factors associated with the emergency visit or hospitalization of cancer patients in palliative home care. Method: integrative review in PubMed, LILACS, Web of Science and Embase. The question was “what factors are associated with visiting emergency services or hospitalization of cancer patients in palliative home care?”. Descriptors were neoplasms; palliative care; hospitalization; emergency medical services; home care services. Eligibility criteria were full text; between 2012 and 2022; English, Portuguese or Spanish language; adulthood. Results: 16 articles were selected. The most common causes of emergency room visits/hospitalization were pain, shortness of breath, infection, digestive symptoms, delirium, and poor general condition/fatigue. Conclusion: This study identified gaps in which palliative home care can be improved. 



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Author Biographies

Flavia Navi de Souza, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro


Master's Student of the Postgraduate Program in Health and Technology in the Hospital Space at the Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – UNIRIO. Work as a doctor at the the Palliative Care Unit of Instituto Nacional de Câncer José de Alencar Gomes da Silva (INCA), Rio de Janeiro – RJ- Brazil.

Vanessa Gomes da Silva, Instituto Nacional de Câncer José de Alencar Gomes da Silva


Doctoral Student of the Program in Teaching in Biosciences and Health - IOC/ Fiocruz 

Nurse and Coordinator of the Home Care Service of the Palliative Care Unit of the

Instituto Nacional de Câncer José de Alencar Gomes da Silva (INCA). Rio de Janeiro – RJ - Brazil.

Alexandre Sousa da Silva, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro


Doctor in Statistics. Associate Professor of Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Health and Technology in the Hospital Space in Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – UNIRIO. Rio de Janeiro – RJ - Brazil.


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How to Cite

Souza FN de, Silva VG da, Silva AS da. Factors associated with emergency room visit or hospitalization in care oncology home care: an integrative review /Fatores associados à visita à emergência ou hospitalização em cuidados paliativos oncológicos domiciliares: uma revisão integrativa. Rev. Pesqui. (Univ. Fed. Estado Rio J., Online) [Internet]. 2023Apr.11 [cited 2024Jul.21];15:e-12000. Available from:



Integrative Review of the Literature

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