Nursing problems and interventions identified in the nursing consult for people living with HIV / Problemas e intervenções de enfermagem identificados na consulta de enfermagem a pessoas que vivem com HIV




Assistência de Enfermagem, HIV, Humanização da Assistência, Processo de Enfermagem


Objective: to identify the problems and their interventions registered by nursing professionals in the first nursing consult of people living with HIV in a Specialized Care Service of a Municipal Health Center. Method: this is a descriptive, quantitative, retrospective and documentary study. In a universe of 300 medical records admitted in 2021, 110 patients of both sexes and adults were included. Results: in 88.5% of the consultations, nurses registered biological/physical problems and 91.6% of the interventions were requests for laboratory tests. In 47.3% there was no connection between the nursing problem and the intervention. Conclusion: the main problems and interventions identified during the nursing consultation are related to the physical and biological aspects of people living with HIV, demonstrating that nursing care is still attached to a biomedical paradigm and that it urgently needs to be overcome.


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Author Biographies

Vivian Sarah Fernandes Vianna Santana, Rio de Janeiro State University

Nursing student at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) since 2018. CNPq and UERJ scholarship of Scientific Initiation Research 2020-2021 for the project entitled "Simulação de baixa, média e alta fidelidades: avaliando satisfação, segurança e destreza no ensino-aprendizagem de saúde e enfermagem". Monitor at the Nursing Research Subarea-Department of Fundamentals of Nursing (DFEN) at the same University 2018-2020. Member of extension projects: "Vivendo e Aprendendo a Viver com HIV", "Cuidados Inovadores de Enfermagem na Policlínica Piquet Carneiro" and "Liga
Acadêmica das Bases Fundamentais em Enfermagem da UERJ” in 2020-2021. Intern of academic scholarship program of Rio de Janeiro's city hall, working in Primary Health Care of Rio de Janeiro in 2021. Currently, a nursing intern at the Pedro Ernesto University Hospital.

Felipe Kaezer dos Santos, Rio de Janeiro State University

Nurse, Doctor of Nursing pelo PPGEnf/UERJ, Assistant Professor of Nursing School of University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (ENF/UERJ). Master's degree in Nursing from EEAN/UFRJ. Professor of the Peritoneal Dialysis module of the Nephrology Nursing postgraduate course at the Estácio de Sá University (UNESA/RJ) since 2010. Nurse at the Duque de Caxias City (RJ) since 2008. Graduated in Nursing from UERJ (2003), with nursing residency in nephrology at HUPE-UERJ (2006). Postgraduate degree from UGF-RJ (2005), in nephrology nursing. Postgraduate in Nursing in a Surgical Center by the Souza Marques/Seiton Cursos Agreement (2011).

Mercedes Neto, Rio de Janeiro State University

Associate Professor in Public Health department of Nursing School - UERJ (University of the State of Rio de Janeiro). Coordinator of the Post-Graduate Program of Nursing School - UERJ (2022-2025). Associate Editor of UERJ scientific journal. Director of Social Communication and Publications of the Brazilian Nursing Association - RJ Section (2020-2022). Member of the Health Surveillance Center of the Pro-Rectory of Health of UERJ (PR5). PhD in Sciences from the Post-Graduate Program in Nursing and Biosciences at UNIRIO (2014), with postdoctoral internship in Epidemiology from ENSP/FIOCRUZ (2020).  Co-Leads the Research Group: Knowledge and Practices in Nursing and Public Health (SaPESC) and coordinates the Epidemiology & Media extension project.

Frances Valéria Costa e Silva, Rio de Janeiro State University

Graduated in Nursing (University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, 1989), Master's in Public Health (National School of Public Health, 1999) and PhD in Public Health (IMS/UERJ, 2009). Professor at the Faculty of Nursing at UERJ, a biodanza facilitator, also acting in the coordination and provision of care to the population assisted in the outpatient peritoneal dialysis and treatment of chronic kidney disease at HUPE / UERJ. Experience in the areas of health planning and nursing, with an emphasis on Nephrology, working mainly on the following topics: chronic kidney disease, nursing, educational practices in health, integrative practices in health care.

Alba Lucia Castelo Branco, Rio de Janeiro State University

Graduated in Nursing from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ (1979), Master's in Nursing from the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ (1996) and Doctorate in Nursing from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ (1999). Associate Professor of Nursing School of University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (ENF/UERJ). Experience in Nursing, with emphasis on Nursing Research, working mainly on the following topics: Ethics and Academic Integrity; Professional training of nurses; Bioethics and applied ethics; University Extension; Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing.


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2023-06-08 — Updated on 2023-06-30


How to Cite

Fernandes Vianna Santana VS, Kaezer dos Santos F, Neto M, Costa e Silva FV, Castelo Branco AL. Nursing problems and interventions identified in the nursing consult for people living with HIV / Problemas e intervenções de enfermagem identificados na consulta de enfermagem a pessoas que vivem com HIV. Rev. Pesqui. (Univ. Fed. Estado Rio J., Online) [Internet]. 2023Jun.30 [cited 2024Jul.22];15:e-12074. Available from:



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