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Profile of caregivers of dependent elderly in a pandemic context: impacts on the health and work of caregivers in portugal / Perfil de cuidadores de idosos dependentes em contexto de pandemia: impactos na saúde e no trabalho de quem cuida em Portugal




Elderly Caregivers, COVID 19 pandemic, Portugal


Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has brought new and difficult challenges for those who provide care to dependent elderly people. This study seeks to know the profile of formal and informal caregivers of elderly people with functional dependence in Portugal. Method: Online survey conducted in June-November 2021 by the National School of Public Health-NOVA of Lisbon. The questionnaire was disseminated on social networks and via email to institutions that provide care to dependent elderly people. Protocol approved by the Ethics Committee of the School. Results: Females prevailed (91.4% formal and 88% informal caregivers). Higher education level predominated in both categories. Formal caregivers were in a younger age group than family caregivers. Among formal caregivers, 55.2% claimed to receive salaries of up to €1000. More than 70% of informal caregivers claimed to provide care to a family member or relative and they had worse self-rated health. 51% of formal caregivers and 63.7% of informal caregivers reported suffering from a chronic back problem. Feelings of isolation, sadness and depression predominated among formal and informal caregivers. Conclusion: Caring work is predominantly female and the Covid 19 pandemic has had important impacts on the health of caregivers, especially mental health.


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Author Biographies

Jose Luiz Telles Almeida, Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública - Fundação Oswaldo Cruz

Médico, Doutor em Ciências pela Ensp, pesquisador do Departamento de Administração e Planejamento em Saúde, Coordenador do Curso de Especialização em Envelhecimento e Saúde da Pessoa Idosa, membro do Núcleo de Recursos Humanos em Saúde. Doutor em Saúde Pública; Professor Visitante da Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa; Pesquisador da Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz.

Ana Escoval, National School of Publica Health -NOVA University Lisbon

PhD in Management from the Higher Institute of Labor and Business Sciences of the University Institute of Lisbon, Economist and Hospital Administrator; University Professor and Researcher at the Center for Research in Public Health (CISP) and at the Center for Integrated Research in Health-Research, Education and Innovation in Clinical Research and Public Health (CHRC) at the National School of Public Health/New University of Lisbon-Lisbon -Portugal

Patricia Barbosa, National School of Publica Health -NOVA University Lisbon

Graduated in Social Policy, PhD in Public Health, Director of General, Administrative and Human Resources Services at the Association for Support to Professionals of Hospital Santa Maria, Lisbon-Portugal, Lecturer in the Curricular Unit of Social and Health Care at Home, in the Postgraduate of Social Service in Health at ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon-Portugal.


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2023-06-12 — Updated on 2023-06-19


How to Cite

Almeida JLT, Escoval A, Barbosa P. Profile of caregivers of dependent elderly in a pandemic context: impacts on the health and work of caregivers in portugal / Perfil de cuidadores de idosos dependentes em contexto de pandemia: impactos na saúde e no trabalho de quem cuida em Portugal. Rev. Pesqui. (Univ. Fed. Estado Rio J., Online) [Internet]. 2023Jun.19 [cited 2024Jul.3];15:e-12080. Available from:



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