Space-temporal dynamics and factors associated with newborn mortality
DESCRIPTORS: Infant Mortality; Epidemiology; Time Series Studies; Ecological Studies; Spatial Analysis.Abstract
Objective: to analyze the spatial and temporal distribution of neonatal mortality and associated factors in Piauí from 2007 to 2017. Method: the Joinpoint method, Bayesian statistics and the Scan technique were used. The multivariate analysis of the indicators was performed using the Ordinary Least Squares Estimation model, considering p<0.05. Results: neonatal mortality decreased linearly and significantly over the period studied. The highest Bayesian rates ranged from 16.34 to 18.38 deaths per 1,000 live births, especially in Southeast Piauí. There was a negative association between neonatal mortality and the variables: Illiteracy rate (β = -0.60; p= 0.027), Family Health Strategy Coverage (β = -2.80; p= 0.023) and Human Development Index Municipal (β = -0.60; p= 0.003). Conclusion: neonatal mortality continues to decrease and its distribution in the territory proved to be irregular. Socioeconomic and health indicators influence neonatal mortality in Piauí.
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