Mobile app interaction in pandemic times: experience of pregnant and postpartum woman / Interação por aplicativo móvel em tempos de pandemia: experiência de gestantes e puérperas
Pregnancy, Postpartum period, Social isolation, Mobile applications, PandemicsAbstract
Objective: to know the experience of women who shared the livingness of the pregnancy-puerperal cycle during the Covid-19 Pandemic in a message app group created to complement the educational activities of a group of pregnant women.
Methods: qualitative, descriptive and exploratory study. The data comes from the messages of 94 women participating in Groups of Pregnant Women and Pregnant Couples held in 2020, linked to an extension project of a University in the south of the country.
Results: feelings related to the absence of physical contact with family and friends, doubts and challenges encountered during pregnancy and puerperium, fears and uncertainties regarding the labor and birth process were highlighted.
Conclusion: the group of pregnant women mediated by a messaging application proved to be an ally in the interaction between women, enabling health education and the creation of a support network respecting social distance.
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