Scientific production on quality and safety in obstetric care:
bibliometric study
Patient Safety, Quality of Health Care, ObstetricsAbstract
Objective: to analyze the frequency of words correlating with the title and abstract of the scientific production on quality and safety in obstetric care in the light of Zipf's Law (word frequency). Methodology: descriptive study of bibliometric analysis. LILACS, MEDLINE, Bdenf and SCOPUS (Elsivier) databases were used. Articles available in full, free of charge, in English, Portuguese and Spanish, without restriction of time space and search terms present in the title or abstract were included. Results: 14 documents were identified, the tag clouds clearly showed the correlation between all text segments from the frequency of the words 'safety', 'obstetric' and 'care'. In the descriptive analysis of the content, the terms are associated with quality and safety in obstetric care. Conclusion: Anchoring the study in Zipf's theory provided an innovative approach to the field of women's health, ratifying the analysis of written language structures from texts.
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