Development and implementation of a surgery management system aimed at a university hospital




Program development, Surgicenters, Operating room information systems, Surgical clearance, Software validation


Objectives: To develop and implement the surgical management system containing the Surgical List and Surgical Map. Method: This study is of exploratory and descriptive nature of the applied methodological research type. The methodology used is based on the software development process based on the Pressman system development life cycle model. Results: The system was developed and made available on all hospital computers on its internal network. Implemented in all surgical areas and Surgical Center. Conclusion: The surgical management system provides real-time information on surgical patient information to all departments involved with surgical patients.


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Author Biographies

Romero de Melo Silva, Hospital Universitário Gaffrée e Guinle

Master's degree, Head of the Research and Technological Innovation Management Department at Ebserh/HUGG, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil.

José Guilhermo Berenguer Flores, Hospital Universitário Gaffrée e Guinle

Master's degree, Head of the Technological Innovation Management Sector at Ebserh/HUGG, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil.

Daniel Aragão Machado, Hospital Universitário Gaffrée e Guinle

PhD, Education and Research Manager at Ebserh/HUGG, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil

Alexandre Sousa da Silva, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro

PhD, Professor in the Graduate Program in Health and Technology in the Hospital Environment at UNIRIO, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, Brazil


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How to Cite

Silva R de M, Flores JGB, Machado DA, Silva AS da. Development and implementation of a surgery management system aimed at a university hospital. Rev. Pesqui. (Univ. Fed. Estado Rio J., Online) [Internet]. 2023Sep.27 [cited 2024Jul.22];15:e-12760. Available from:



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