Social representations of children and adolescents' caregivers on childhood cancer
Câncer; Criança; Adolescente; Cuidadores; Representação SocialAbstract
Objective: to apprehend the social representations of caregivers of children and adolescents about cancer in children and adolescents. Method: qualitative, exploratory, descriptive research, based on the structural approach of the Theory of Social Representations, based on the Theory of the Central Nucleus. The Free Word Association Technique and the semi-structured interview were used for data collection. Participants were 34 family caregivers, in the city of Itabuna, Bahia. The data from the Free Word Association Technique were processed by the EVOC software. Results: from the analysis of the data, the following thematic categories emerged: Impact and feelings that permeate the daily life of the caregiver, and confrontations encountered by the caregivers to overcome childhood cancer. Conclusion: it was evidenced that the social group has representational elements in the evoked terms “God” and “suffering”, pointing out that the diagnosis of the disease causes suffering for caregivers, children and adolescents. Demonstrating that caregivers share their everyday experiences about coping with the disease.
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