Knowledge of a multidisciplinary team about palliative care: quasi-experimental study
Palliative care, Patient care team, Permanent educationAbstract
Objective: to evaluate the knowledge of the multidisciplinary team of a hospital clinical unit, before and after educational actions on palliative care. Method: quasi-experimental study, “before and after”, in which there is no randomness in the selection of the population and the control group are the participants who underwent the intervention. Results: there was a statistically significant difference in the answers regarding the best time to start Palliative Care (54.3% to 80% of correct answers after the educational actions) after the educational actions. No participant had specific training in the area. Conclusion: after this study, there were changes in clinical practice. The institution began training for teams, reinforcing the relevance of studies related to the topic and the need for investment in continuing education in order to change the reality of the health system.
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