Invasive arterial blood pessure: Is youtube a platform for sharing controlled information for nurses?
Arterial pressure; Hemodynamic monitoring; Information sources; Nurses; Patient safetyAbstract
Objective: to identify the quality and reliability of information on invasive blood pressure covered in YouTube videos. Method: descriptive and exploratory research with YouTube videos on invasive blood pressure, identified in a single search on February 23, 2023. The videos were organized into a playlist and subjected to analysis using the Discern
Questionnaire tool for the educational quality of the video and the Journal of American Medical Association Benchmarks for reliability and quality of information and performed simple descriptive statistical analysis. Results: 62 videos published two years ago were listed, of which 93.55% presented poor educational quality, 6.45% moderate, 70.97% demonstrated low reliability of information and 32.25% cited information incompatible with science. Conclusion: The videos found on the You Tube platform presented gaps related to the content of invasive blood pressure, demonstrating that it is not a reliable source of support for nurses' learning.
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- 2024-04-17 (2)
- 2024-04-11 (1)
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